Tips to Get Back on Track with Your Health — A Look at Jumping Back after a FAIL in Week 6


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Let’s face it, losing weight is hard.  It is a challenge and a struggle especially when the world around you is tempting you with all of the things that are going to stand in your way.  I have to admit to all of you and my sponsors that week 6 was a huge FAIL in my Shake the Crave world.  I did not drink the shakes like I was supposed to, ate out, chose to indulge in fast food, and way too much junk that was around my house and at our family dinners.  I am proud to say that I woke up yesterday with a new outlook on week 7 and determined to make things different this week.  I know that I have got this and with a little extra push and actually starting a work out routine, I am hopeful that I will get into shape quicker and will be proud to report back after my next weigh in.  (**Note– I took a week off of the scales after knowing that a bad number or weight gain would really cause me to struggle and have more issues than waiting a week and reporting back with even the smallest loss.)

**You Can Get Back on Track Any Day

Let’s quit waiting for Monday.  Instead start your new life today, make the changes that you want to see happen now rather than waiting for later.  It has been my experience that later never really comes and just leaves you angry and disappointed with yourself which is honestly good for no one.

**Choose the Foods that Will Keep You on Track

There are so many great foods out there that it is easy to fall into a trap where you are choosing the wrong ones.  Instead of focusing on the foods that will make you fall off of the track, choose the ones that are going to keep you on the track.  Choose foods that you love and that are healthy even if it means that you are eating the same thing over and over again.

**Tell Friends and Family to Say Something if You are Eating Crap

This one is hard for me.  My husband pretty much sucks when it comes to weight and eats the worst foods for you without gaining a pound.  If he does gain a pound then he is able to cut out one little thing and lose all of his weight.  It is disgusting and something that is just not fair but it is the life that we live in and it is something that is going to help me to lose weight if he speaks up when he sees me binge eating on Cheetos and M&Ms at midnight.

**Have a No Food Time

Make sure that you have a time where you do not eat anything after a certain hour.  This will really help you to make sure that you are not binge eating before bed.  I am going to do a one small snack after dinner.  For me I need this small snack because I am often up working late and I want to be able to snack and enjoy myself.

**Each Morning Plan Your Day

One of the things that I learned a while back with a different program is how different your outlook can be when you plan for your foods for the day.  Put foods into small containers and know what you are going to eat for snacks and dinner.  So I am going to start planning my meals each morning.

Yesterday I knew that I was eating out so a few servings of raw veggies with a little bit of dip, and an apple were my snack choices.  I knew that I was going to eat higher calorie foods at my meal out so I picked snacks that were as healthy as possible.  With today being New Year’s Eve I have a few snacks planned that are “healthier” and I am going to have a clear vision of what I can eat when snacking later tonight.

**Don’t Worry About Eating the Same Things

People always told me that I would get tired of eating the same foods.  Well they were wrong.  I ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day of grade school and junior high and guess what?  I could still eat a peanut butter sandwich everyday.  So I know that I do not tire of foods.  One of the best ways for me to stay on track with high protein is by eating curried chicken.  I could seriously eat curried chicken, fish or shrimp every single day of my life and never tire of it so I am going to be eating a TON of curried chicken over the next few months but if it helps me get on track and stay on track then curried chicken it is.

**Cut Out One Problem Food at a Time

Saying that I am going to eat “all healthy” does not work for me.  Nor does it work for most people because if it did there would not be so many people struggling to lose weight and get back in shape.  I am going to be cutting out one or two “foods” at a time until I get to where I am eating a clean diet.  For me this starts with cutting out two foods now…high fructose corn syrup and GMOs…while this might sound simple pretty much one or both of these terrible-for-you ingredients is in every single bad-for-me food that I eat.

**Start with a Few Big Goals at a Time

My goals are pretty simple as I start back on track…more water (this means that I will drink at least four of my water bottles full of water each day before I drink anything else), exercise at least a little bit each day (even if it is only 10 minutes, it is 10 minutes more than doing nothing), and finally to stick to the Shake the Crave plan (2 shakes, 2 healthy snacks…emphasis on the healthy, and one healthy dinner).