Tools to Help You Get in Shape @Kohls #spon #FindYourYes


I have to admit that once again I was sucked into the amazing and delightful world of Kohls. I seriously can not get enough of their store. I shop there all of the time. I love that they carry everything that I need for all areas of my life. If you’ve been reading the blog then you know that I have been on a mission to get into better shape and that I have been trying to lose weight. Well it is struggle and a challenge for me that is far harder than I could have ever imagined anything being.

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I have been looking for a few things to get in better shape. I have been more motivated to work out when I have cute workout clothes so I knew that I wanted something for me to wear while exercising. I will admit that this is something that is a little bit silly but it is honest.

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So I chose the adorable FILA Sport Core Essentials Racer Back Tank. I love this tank a ton and love that it has a great fit and that it looks nice on when I am working out. I also love that it does not ride up at all or move around when I am putting extra work into my workouts.

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I also chose the FILA Sport Move Colourblock Performance Capri Leggings. I knew that I was going to love these. To be honest when I had my summer VIP blogger box gift card I actually purchased a pair of these. Since they were hands down my favorite workout pants that I have ever owned I knew that I wanted to purchase a second pair of them when picking out a workout outfit.

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Finally I was able to get something that I had been checking out for a while. I got an iHealth Bluetooth Activity and Sleep Monitor. I will admit that I was doing better when I had it on but I have been struggling with some anxiety issues lately and find that I am not good about working out when I am stressed. So I am hoping to be back on the path to getting into better shape this week. My goal is to work out each and every day and to try and get in at least 10,000 steps each day. I am not sure how I will do but I do know that I am going to put forth the effort to do the best job possible. I am charging up my iHealth Bluetooth Activity and Sleep Monitor now.

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The best thing for me is that I got all of these goodies at Kohls. I love shopping at Kohls and love knowing that Kohls is there to help me with the things that I need to meet my health and fitness goals. I love knowing that I am going to get there easier with these great tools that can help me.

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So if you are shopping for fitness or exercise equipment then you should check out Kohls before shopping anywhere else. One of the great things about Kohls is that you can honestly find everything that you need at any given time and the same is true when you are looking for workout equipment.