2 Winners and AWESOME Prizes
Welcome back to Simply Shawn & Jenn for another fabulous giveaway.. You have to love all these great giveaways we have going on for the holidays… This giveaway is awesome! Do you see that lovely picture on the top of the post? Yes, that’s the fabulous prize.
Who wants to learn more about this wonderful giveaway? Hold on to your seats because you’re going to love all these prizes!
Hosted By:
Mom Blog Society | Geeky Gamer Mom | Jackie’s Reviews | Mom Does Reviews | | Swank Savings | S.O.S Mom |
Prizes: 2 Winners!
GrandPrize winner: PS VITA 3G/WI-FI AND Skylanders Giants
1st Place winner: Hot Wheels Ballistiks AND iTikes Piano
The event dates: 11/22 12:01 am – 12/10 12:59 pm EST
Open to World Wide
If the winner is outside the USA they will receive the cash value in their choice of Paypal cash or Amazon Gift card NO EXCEPTIONS!
2 Lucky winners will win! Best of luck to everyone, thanks for stopping by and HAPPY TURKEY DAY TO ALL OF YOU!